Saturday, December 31, 2011

waves + r & j + cold + bump + fog = glorious 2011 finale swim

the last swim of 2011 for the no pants crew: the mighty c boy without the mighty c girl, dianadarling, claudia, ralph, janie, jaycee, lftc met in okay weather, some sun but not really warm, the sea looked surfy but not surfy enough to send me crying to the shores, so we venture off, really lagging. our wetsuits messing around in surf. wait, what? that's right, surf. d a m m i t . what kind of surf? the kind that jimmy canali could body surf, that's what kind. sigh.. we did a little ducking despite the waiting out sets, the waves weren't that big, breaking right near take off so at least the guards could get ME quickly but we did it, we made it out into absolutely no viz. we swam to the a after 5 minutes of where, why, who and what, claudia worried about incoming fog (jimmy too warned us about fog, holy cow, it's like a grimms fairy tale) so we halt there and see the incoming plague and head 'in'. none of us could really figure out where 'in' was, some head in to the caves and cliffs, some head in to the marine room but we all end up in the same place: in the waves. biggies, all clean and mean looking, sharp angles, smooth and steep faces. there is no point in panic at this point because why? because i have diana and she knows she cannot move forward without me, that i will sit on her back if i have to and she doesn't really want that so she uses care and knows what's up. anyway, jimmy is still messing around and he says, 'here comes my wave', we turn around and there it is! swim out, swim fast and i swim up the face and over, diana actually swam up, straight up and popped her head through the lip before it broke. jimmy goes blazing by which makes us look like sissies but i totally own sissyhood. i am the new face of sissyhood.  sissies are the new black. then we see flatness so i ask jimmy, all sissy like, if we can go in now and he says yeah, go in. and that my friends, was the last swim of 2011 for our crew.  so guess what? on my way home from near death (i exaggerate all the time, dave thinks that every swim i go on is a near death experience) i hear on the news that this coming week holds a high surf advisory, waves up to 8' and some 10' sets will be rolling in. my thoughts? of course there will be. why wouldn't there be? i expect it. whatever.
i want to say thanks to all my swim peeps, thank you for being an amazing part of my life in my otherwise rocky 2011, no matter waves, cold, red and juicy, weather, no matter swimming with me once or every time, thank you all. i can't imagine my life without you and look forward to a life of swimming with the most amazing swimmers anywhere. 
peace out! lftc

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