Friday, December 30, 2011

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

I feel so bad about what I'm about to report for this impacts Cami in ways that are too depressing to think about: swim report for Friday (geez, are we STILL in 2011? I'm so over it)  1pm, Dianadarling, Claudia, LFTC met in cool fog, some churning water but certainly we have swam in way, WAY worse so we plod down the stairs and stand in glacier temps for several minutes, thinking? Pondering? Asking god why?
It is intersting that tourists watch us, ask us where, how far, how cold, some applaud us, (one time, literally) or call us crazy or brave. Wetsuits wonder 'how we do it' and why? To all the questions: I have no idea.  Anyway, we finally get in and it's cold, f**king A cold which is the classification for the iciest cold we have, it's a mad dash to get to the warm zone, the 59 degrees jacuzzi that we all know is out there but when we get out there, lo and behold, no viz, none, not even 5' but who cares, we are out so swim we must. Diana and I lure Claudia further out than she wanted to go, bullied her really (we do that, you know. You have been warned) into at least a mile but it was getting darker and darker, we head to the caves for the same dark water and over to the 1/2 and oh no, RED. RED and JUICY. My immediate thought was, 'Cami will be so bummed and will not swim in this'. My second thought was, 'I'll lie to her to get her in'. But karma you know. Karma is a tough mistress, I know. So we agree to run away from the R&J and mostly play all the way back, passing Janie and crew on their way out.   Now that the swim is over I still maintain my ever present post swim statement: I'm so happy! So happy I swam, even now I couldn't care less about the R&J and again, we have all swam in worse. At least I was WITH people I adore beyond measure, people that I cannot live without (I guess I can measure adoration) and who share this craze. Kinship!
So there you have it, the truth which is like the dressing rooms in Macy's: harsh flourescent lights, warped mirrors, stark walls that hide nothing and either sweating hot or icy cold.
On the other hand, you guys missed Ken's naked show in the athletic club. I swear to you, he did a show in the athletic club, just for Diana and me (lucky us!) in which he , he,  he...took his shirt and underoos t shirt off and did some sagging and flexing and I couldn't look anymore due to being blinded. That's all I'm saying. You don't wanna know... Oh, one last little thing, you guys missed the senior citizen guy in the sauna stripping out of his Speedo and donning his underoos tighty whities. For realsies. What is this? What in the name of God is going on? 

1 comment:

  1. oh dear. so many thoughts going through my mind. oh dear, Ken. REd Tide, old men in titeywiteys... this is almost too much for my frail state. I'll be in hot yoga tomorrow, being warm and bendy and hoping you all are safe out there and grateful that you are brave and I am not. Red Tide eh... I do dread the red. May just come down to celebrate with y'all on Sun and skip the swim all together, c'mon, ridicule me... I can handle it.
