Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Partay like a rock star!

For those who couldn't attend the annual LJSC Christmas party, here is my report as perceived by the voices in my head:  A good time can only last so long.
Many of our regular crew were on scene: Toni, Steve, Marta, Phoenix, Diana, Claudia, Ralph, Janie, Dana, Leonard to name a few, lot's of serious Cove swimmers, many we see all the time, many who spend hour upon hour in the sea so are rarely seen on dry land. 
My feeling is that this type of party is much better appreciated under the influence but I had to behave as Ali was in tow and I wore a dress. The dress was such an odd garment to me, it was very distracting. The first hour was mostly spent wondering who all these fully clothed people were, who is that man in a shirt and why is that woman wearing a dress? Where am I? Why am I here?
The second hour was spent eating unidentifiable meats, pork or beef, I couldn't tell because the first taste had some kind of fat/gristle and that was it for me, the 'white' meat was either fish or chicken, again I couldn't tell as I was reeling from the fat/gristle trauma. The dinner was followed by yummy cake which I did eat, at last! a food I recognize!
The third hour was spent watching and doing a little Hula-my friend and bestest swim partner (she knows who she is) had signed all of us up and didn't show, Phoenix too was all hot to Hula, did show up but hid under the table when the Hula call rang out.  Thanks to brave Janie, Toni and LEONARD for being gamers, all the little girls too: my Ali, Jaycee and a few other cutie pie's. 
The fourth and fifth hours were spent watching a slide show, I saw a bunch of pics of us, most notably, New year's day 2011, we were the last group standing on the grass, all the other partyiers long gone. Says something about our group's bad assery, doesn't it?
The sixth and seventh hours were given to awards and notable swims, lot's of us were mentioned but I was tired of sitting in a chair in my dress, David kept sneaking outside to drink wine by the big gulp size, I wasn't winning any raffle prizes, I wanted more cake or cocktails and Ali was losing her mind with excitement, I had spent so much time reeling her in. We had to go! Please Carol, be done, but no..
All kidding aside, Doug did a very good job as usual, he's good with detail, Marta was delightfully buzzed with her wine and cute dolphin purse, it was good to see swimmers on dry land, some of us look really good dry and clothed. Even barely dry and clothed, the tiniest bit of lipgloss is a wow factor for the swim crowd. This is a bonus, not having to glam it up too hard, that would suck for this girl.
I could be much more bitter, way more cynical and judgemental, but this party was for swimmers, done by swimmers and I love the swimmers so I'll save my commentary for something else. I know you can barely wait!

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