Tuesday, January 3, 2012

LFTC to NOAA: suck it!

Here's a story: Early this Tuesday morning I received a stern warning from my sweet Claudia that there is a high surf advisory in San Diego, it was an official looking thing replete with menacing words like; pulses, rogue, severe, swells, rips, death, die, and even this blurb: be advised that while waters may look calm, the building NNW swell can produce rogue waves rapidly, especially dangerous near shore blah blah blah. I have no plans to swim ever again lest I perish in monster surf.  But then two things happened, Leonard emailed me all happy and carefree (does he not KNOW?) asking if I wanted to swim in the sun and Cami called me all excited and said she hoped I was swimming, it was beautiful, flat, lake like, glassy, calm and that I should go, that she was in La Jolla! She wasn't swimming but I should. (what a teaser)  So I decide to meet Leonard, to take my chances and if the conditions were doomsday like, I could bail and at least keep an eye on Leonard. I drive over and what do I see? Beauty, sunny skies, big wide beach and the water? Nothing, flat, barely a ripple, not even a ripple, like NO waves, like walk out chest deep without a splash and clear to the bottom, It was amazing, like a summer day. Man alive, the weather people are so wrong, NOAA is wrong, Scripps and Surfline are wrong. Leonard and Cami were right, THEY should do the weather. We swim from directly in front of the tower to the 1/4 and back to the tower via the marine room.  (Leonard has a thing about the tower, it has to be right from and right back to the tower and not one inch less)   A pretty decent swim distance wise, easy to relax in sweet conditions and no other swimmers out, we had the whole place to ourselves. My watch read 60 degrees, it felt warmer, especially the top. I did some floating around today, just loving the sun frying my face into leather. I do enjoy a good face fry.
I declare that Leonard is ALL THAT. That's his new nickname: Leonard is ALL THAT. 
Happy happy joy joy!

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