Sunday, January 15, 2012

Crabby about crabs

Cary was crabby today. I was crabby today. Didn't hear Cary's reason for her crabs, but my reason is my piece-o-shit wetsuit. Had to swim in the no-pants way today. Gawd, that's a whole new kind of frosty when you have to swim without a wetsuit. But I managed to swim for 30 minutes before my hands stiffened into open claws.
The water at the Shores was placid and clear to 20 feet. T'was LFTC, Leonard, Diana, TFTC and the MCs braving the overcast sky. The menfolk swam off to the Q while us womenfolk hugged the shore to the WH and back. In keeping with the crabby theme, the only thing we saw was--CRABS! Two cute little rock crabs that I harassed to watch them scuttle away on their claws; and one ginormous spider crab that was just beautiful to watch as it lumbered along the sandy bottom.
Great swim ladies and fellows! Next time I swim no-pants will be on a sunny day at the very least.


  1. you rock, tftc! thanks for a freaking freezing fun swim!

  2. welcome to the club girl! bet you totally rocked it!

  3. You no-pants-swimmers really rock my wetsuit world! Can't believe how brave you all are to take on such frigid seas. Such a nice swim Sunday, crabbies and all... My crabbiness I think, is mostly due to the fact that my thyroid went kaput recently and I'm feeling not up to my normal self. I've started some thyroid medication, and hopefully I'll be flying through the water with more ease and less crabbiness soon.

    Thanks for such an awesome swim! Just goes to show ya', it's better to swim, than not to swim! Dontcha know!
