Wednesday, January 11, 2012

whales and dolphins and girls, oh my! whales and dolphins and girls, oh my!

swim report tuesday, 11am: claudia, lftc. i went to the cove based on the 'fair' conditions report and found waves! the guards confirmed it and told me to go away, to take my happy self and get the f**k out so i did just that. they don't have to tell me twice. i met claudia on the good side, sunny skies and truly flat seas. NO waves at all but look to the right, look to the caves and whompers. we decided to go turtle hunting, the A team's turtle sighting was too much for claudia despite her long and rich history of mingling with more sea animals than i will ever see. clear to the floor, we could see our shadows on the sand, count the sand dollars and the top was warm. heaven. we swam close to the shores and veered toward the caves but it became murky, turned around and at one point i'm alone, claudia had stopped way back there, she yelled 'whale!', i turned to the horizon ans sure enough, stuff was ahappening! dolphins between us and the b buoy, throngs of kayaks and a boat at the b and a whale, spouting and rolling. we saw the giant flipper, it looked the biggest dolphin you could ever see from where we were. a lone helicopter cruised by, i thought it was the news but haven't found anything, the chopper was blue and white in case anyone knows about it.  we stayed out for far too long waiting for the whale to come and see us but it moved on. our toes were frozen but it was worth it. 
we have to swim! we have to get it while the gettin' is good! if we have one factor on our side, jump in. be it sun, clarity, flat, warm-ish, wet or simply there, we must swim! do it for me, we'll all be happier for it!

1 comment:

  1. You've got to be f**ing kidding me! OMG, Laura you are a marine life magnet!
