Thursday, January 19, 2012

people i love hate me....

I last swam Sunday, I have been dry 3 days. I had Leonard invite me to be his partner all 3 of those days but I couldn't go due to regular life on land. Wednesday, I had Janie, Loli and Leonard asking me to swim and my dry life road blocked me. Are you kidding me? I'm so confused! Why does regular life interfere with my swim life? If you all realized how I feel in jeans with a zipper you'd have more empathy. Maybe the people I love would stop emailing, texting and calling with things like this: Best swim evar! You should swim today, it's the last good day evar! Water was clear and flat today, you should have swam! Perfect day for a swim, sorry you missed it! We saw the turtle, dolphins and a unicorn, the guards gave out cash prizes to all the swimmers today, you should have been here!  But alas, I'm dealing with jeans and a zipper. I cannot even tell you, my friends, about the inner turmoil of undergarments and makeup. I swear I had to dust off a compact and my perfume expired. I went to use my blow drier and spiders had made a nest in the motor.  The pain of having to deal with all those things while the people I love are frolicking beach side is exquisite, to wit: the people I love hate me.
I try to stay connected to the swimmers by thinking about swimming constantly, I try to talk to strangers about swimming but words like 'conditions, temps, surge, current, swell and murk' are odd to non swimmers. Just try to talk to your kid's teacher about the 'red and juicy', I can assure you, you won't be invited to any more school meetings. (okay, the ONE good thing) 
So I walk the lonely, dry path sometimes. In jeans with a zipper. And despite the torture you all sometimes inflict upon me, I will never stop loving you. Even as I furiously delete your text with all the might my index finger can muster, my heart is filled with adoration. 
That is all.


  1. you should be a do have a way with words girl!

    It's really foggy today but I plan on going. Meet me at noon.

  2. LOL!! This has got to be in the inaugural issue of "The Cove Swimmer Magazine". I couldn't say it better myself. That's why I had to take myself out of the loop. It's just too painful knowing all the great swims I'm missing out on.
    I'm lovin' you, at least, for putting my thoughts into words.

  3. Well being landlocked in the frozen tundra a/k/a Albany NY it's hard to muster much sympathy even though your writing is Pulitzer material. Jeans and zipper?!? Try woollen garments that are almost as itchy as my chlorinated skin! No really I love you madly . Swim for me whenevar possible.
