Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday swim report from a non swimming cookie eater

Swim report for today: I made myself go. I actually bargained with myself, I told myself I'd get cookies later for going. I'd be rewarded with a suntan and my family would appreciate my efforts at soothing my soul in the sea. I have been landlocked for so many days, I wasn't sure I could swim. Did I ever? Isn't it cold? What about sharks? I mowed these ugly thoughts down and went to meet my friends (Leonard who IS ALL THAT and Loli the tough) shores side at noon. We had SUN! Dark water, kind of red tide looking but it was just murk and froth from the recent surf, zero viz, I mean zero for realsies, 58 degrees, big surf too. We had to do a little diving deep to get out, cruised to the 1/4 to see the cove, it looked so much calmer than the shores, went back against a current and encountered some really big swells but had so much fun! I can swim! I is a swimmer! What a relief! But, (wait, there's more) my swim today made me miss all my swim peeps! I missed so many days with you all, you were  so close and yet so far, today made our separation real because I associate good swimmy feelings with good swimmy people and it made me long for you all. That's right, LONG! I won't go as far as saying aching loins or anything, let's not get carried away here, but I did want you all. It's good to be wanted, ask anyone.
And, you will be happy to know that I worked on my tan and I got my cookies. More like brownies but let's not nitpick.

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