Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday swim

More sun and visible horizon than we knew what to do with! Man it was a beauty day out there. Just Toni, Cami and Laura showed up for an all-girl swim. LFTC tasked me to blogg about today. I can only hope to half as entertaining as other bloggs; the bar is set quite high doncha-know.

Water temp was 58-ish with pockets of sun-warmed jacuzzis that soared to temp of...60. Practically geothermal I-tell-ya! Due to my lousy amber-shaded (free) goggles, I have no idea what the visibility was like. Based on my fellow mer-friends' commentary, all I can say is that it was only okay from the cove to the Q, then stellar from the Q to the white house. AND because of Cami's freakishly keen eyesight, she spotted the sea turtle in 15 feet of water (straight out from the WH)! WOO-HOO! We were like paparazzi on that turtle's tail. But with my piece-of-crap amber goggles all I could see was murk. Thanks to LFTC's naturally-gracious thinking, she took off her awesome goggles and offered them to me for a REAL look at the turtle and the viz.

Great swim today, ladies. I had to book it to the public shower where some lady was taking her weekly bath in that cold public shower. Her shower rivaled my 13-yr-old's epic daily showers. This was woman scrubbing herself before, during and after my shower and change. Must have been a dirty week.

1 comment:

  1. oh heck ya, yesterday was bliss in so many ways... I so love that view from above, looking down at the sand patterns from 15 feet away... very chilly on this softies toes and hands, Im eternally grateful for wetsuits now that Im not a badass anymore... LFTC you are amazing. TONI, all I can say is that hopefully by today you have replaced those ambers for some clarity, it wasn't CLEAR CLEAR except in some spots, notably off the white house. And our swimmin friend, she was a beauty. Soft green velvet covered shell, didn't catch her name so Im not sure if she is 1 of 1 out there, or perhaps there are a few, but nice of her to show herself to us. Glory be.
