Sunday, January 27, 2013

RUTH! is naked and the best jellyfish sting cure, evar!

Mini swim report for last Wednesday-or was it Friday..One of those days:
Rain, fog, cold, big WNW swell acting up but leaving the marine room and shores flat and I do love the flat. Ruth cruised the mean streets for partners, I did too and we had only one another to lean on which is plenty. You all know RUTH! she has a thing about open water, some kind of problem and needing to be in it, she recently ditched her wetsuit so there is no stopping her. She's crossed over and now her problem is ours. One which I happily accept and so do all of you. (I routinely have to speak for all of you guys and I also have to answer the myriad of questions about where you all might be. I represent our group and lucky for you-I love you!!) So RUTH! and I meet geared up for rain in that we have plastic bags and honestly, why bother trying to stay dry? We just get wet before during and after. Our swim was wonderful, 53 degrees in the very small surf and an incredible jump to 58 at the tower. Viz was very good, maybe 10' and clean. Easy swim with a few stops to search for anything, we saw swimmers out, lot's of kayaks and surfers and of course, big waves hammering the cove. REALLY, I SWEAR! No one ever believes me. Happy swim in the rain. I was attacked by invisible jellies, maybe the moon type because my left arm is a burning, stinging, itching hot mess. As an aside, Sunshine tried to fix me up with Lidocaine, when that didn't work, she used her special pharm blend of Vodka, champagne, Lemoncello and St. Germain.
Medical know-how, people. We must visit her practice, we may not get well but we'll have fun.
So that's all I have for now, you are all out there now without me thanks to the moon jellyfish cure, I hope someone reports on the so called 'flat', best swim evar! to even out the score. Shayne, thank you for trying to lure me over there with pressure and guilt-really! It's the way of the group to use wicked psychology. Smart man.
Next weekend: no jellyfish cures and conditions forecast is looking very good(flat). Viz horrid, icy cold temp, heavy surge, fast rips, strong currents, teeming amoeba but flat, so count me in!

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