Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Waves, swim, fruit of the looms-in that order...

Swim report, January 9th, LFTC, TFTC, Steph, Sunshine, Shane (the players), meet at the cove, kind of. I met Sunshine first, she was rehearsing her evil plan to coerce me into the GIANT WAVES. You know, the whole 'lull' thing, the 'wait it out' thing, the 'it's not so bad' thing all with the lovely smile and beguiling laughter. While I rarely know what's right me, I often know what's wrong for me and waves are just wrong-for me. You all go ahead, go with God, have fun with it, get jiggy with it but I'm out. As an aside, I must tell you that her earlier text regarding conditions said exactly this: HOLY SHIT! But I digress, so onward. 
While Sunshine was being all sunny about the homisurf, I heard this loud screaming from afar, it sounded like LAURA!!! And it was! Steph, Toni and Ladybug (I don't know) were yelling at me because they know we have to swim on the other side. At least our Toni knows, Steph is learning and Ladybug? I don't know. I grab Shane up off the street, literally, and we shuffle to the marine room and make our way into some surf and chill. Shane says the B buoy and it looked totally doable from the sand but I swear it was moving away as we swam out. Big swells rolling into the cove and caves, the kind of swells that make you look down the slope of water. The cove was looking scarier, Boomers was whomping. But we still had a little swim party, a sea lion joined us and on the way back, dolphins! Cruising along just for us. More sea lions doing some flipping around on a generally flat surface with around 5' to 8' viz. Temps recorded by my watch read 57, 56, 57, 56. As we swam back to shore the fog and clouds moved in making everything ethereal. Magic even with numb lips. 
Want a little fun? How's this: Sunshine sat in her car half naked, she didn't even want to get out for hugs goodbye but we made her. Toni, Steph and I kind of bundled up and cowered from the cold and Shane? Let me tell you about Shane. Completely nude for several minutes, right there on the street, in surprisingly good shape under the clothes and wetsuit, (that's how nakie he was) swinging his bloomers around, high stepping into them, hopping on one leg and basically providing entertainment for us. Thanks Shane, we must have you in the group all the time, between you and Cary, (Cary has delivered the fun regarding deck changes, she has earned fame) we will never lack post swim delight. Only swimmers can pull this level of naked off and only swimmers can appreciate the overall methodology of deck changes. I had a blast today, thanks to the brave crew for ensuring my swim and being super groovy cool kids. 

1 comment:

  1. You go swim peeps -- wow, fun times before and after! Hope to see you this weekend!
