Sunday, January 27, 2013

Well, it's true.  I've done it.  Gone over to the no pants side.  I used to look at you people admiringly but mostly sceptically and said well either your body can tolerate it or not.  This summer i got a tease of the pleasure that awaited, swimming in Schroon Lake in the Adirondacks and in Barlogue, West Cork, Ireland.  The problem is there is no bath hot enough to warm me up afterwards and i tended to scald myself in the shower.  Then I discovered that you can really warm up pretty good when you're driving back in a heated car so you have to swim somewhere that you have to drive to.  Then I returned to San Diego and started swimming in the cold waters with the long sleeveless wetsuit - feels great - cold water rushing my shoulders but warm to the core.  But the wetsuit chewed up my neck and shoulders and gave me the excuse i've been looking for without knowing it - just go without!  And i love it.  And i'm someone who hates getting into cold water.  but the total submersion is incredibly peaceful and pleasurable.  indescribable, really.  sort of nirvana, even.  I started with 20 minutes and i'm up to 40 minutes now - but only at the Shores where i can exit quickly.  Have done 30 minutes from the Cove but don't venture farther than the A or the quarter.  So what a two weeks it's been!  First week that 20' visibility swimming along the coast from the Marine Room, every day as gorgeous as the last.  Shayne showing me a magic carpet ride on the swell above the seagrass outside the cave.  Then the week of no pants.  I did exit the surf at the Cove with Janie the last two days.  I don't believe in skill I think it's patience but mostly luck.  So that's the news from Lake Woebegone, I mean La Jolla I mean you know what i mean.  I don't have the gift of flowing narrative but i don't give a shit.


  1. RUTH! you is my hero! not only with the no pants way but the cavalier attitude regarding opinions of others and your use of expletives. if you're gonna say it, say it like you mean it!

    1. iam not cavalier in my opinions of others. i take us all with the utmost seriosity.

    2. You rock, Ruth! You swim often enough to go no pants, so I guess I'm not too surprised.
