Monday, January 7, 2013

This is what our swim group brings to the table...we are so not messing around!

We're so NOT messing around!
Laura Price 2:20 PM (23 hours ago) to Toni, me, leonard, William, Steph

Thank you all for showing up today, for being the best swim partners EVAR and for your friendship, it means more than you know to me. After my daughters up and moved to Indiana, which I'm sure isn't even a real place, I was shell shocked and since they took Dave along to help drive (move heavy furniture, rewire a bedroom, hook up all appliances, light the pilot lights on everything, repair the broken fence gate, all with one tool and a knife that he took with him) I had no one to lean on, I was temporarily lost in sadness and seeing you all in my element has both lifted my spirits and grounded me, how could I not count my blessings? Liquid peace, people!

I love you all for 98 more years...

I forgot my goggles and borrowed Toni's. Toni forgot her wetsuit and had to go back. Steph forgot her wetsuit which I went back for. Leonard admitted he is easily confused between cove and shore: the sand, the waves, the car, the keys-it's all too much. And Cary has been married to Bill for 30 years, we think he may having been doping her tea for a long time.

Toni Pyjar 2:44 PM (22 hours ago) to Laura, me, leonard, William, Steph

Laura, that was our swim in a nutty shell. "Liquid Peace".
I'm gonna write that in lipstick on my bathroom mirror.

 Love love LOVED today!

Tessendore 6:15 PM (19 hours ago) to Laura, Toni, leonard, William, Steph 

Dearest LFTC and all, 

What a fabulous swim of a swim today!!! Thanks to the brave-and-the-few that dared to dip into the chilly sea. I can assure you (having attended a recent conference there, and not the Indy 500) that Indiana is indeed, a REAL place, and you have married a REAL prince (is it Prince David of Scrippslandia, I forget?) and you are blessed to be loved by your dear family and all-of-us-friends (no matter how bloomin' far they or we are for the moment!)... 

I feel the same about you and ALL swim peeps -- you (plural) are the glue that holds my ocean together -- what? Well, it's just plain hard to write as humorously warm and endearing as our Laura, so that's the best I can do. I still try... And you, Laura--our rock, anchor, our boat and our pier! Wow--that's a lot! I guess you are truly, truly amazing, then... 

I'm also ever-so-grateful for whatever it is that Bill has been adding to my tea for the past 30 years... and am still searching for some sort of hey-slow-down-there-buddy pill to add to his! 

Until next weekend's ROCK-MY-WORLD swim,
Steph Johnson 7:40 PM (17 hours ago) to Sunshine, Steve, me, Laura, Toni, leonard, William 

You guys are all really beautiful people and as much as I love the ocean, I wouldn't feel as comfortable and confident out there without you. Thank you so much for opening your arms and love to me! The ocean makes me so happy :0) It makes ALL of us so happy! Just look… 

 Also, here is a flyer for our show Wednesday night with that Flamenco guitarist/vocalist who is in town all the way from Spain. If you live close to South Park, wanna go out and hear some music, check out the flyer and send me a note back if you'd like to be there. :0) 

All my love! 
leonard przybylo 8:04 PM (17 hours ago) to Toni, Laura, me, William, Steph 

Hi swimmers, you all are too much!! 
I thought it was just me getting all emotional about our before, during and after swim today. Our hunt for the 1/2 mile was great because we got a chance to warm up and smile as the sun was trying to break thru. I had such a comfortable time with you all today. our pic nic post swim made me dizzy. I haven't had caffine for a few months and what a rush! the Chai tea was!! On my way home I may have blown my car speakers, the music was so so exciting and the rain clouds were beautiful. I even got in a beach hike from glider point before the rain. What a day, the simple things each one of you do are so very special .. 
Take in the moment, 


  1. SIgh....I was so jealous to miss out on the love!!! I had to tend to those babies, they just kept coming. Good news though is I am due for a lull in my practice, so i'll get my swim on, once I get over my sniffles (grrrrrr)

  2. but you are the love! you bring the love, you give the love.. even when you are deep in the 'area', you are with us..
