Monday, January 14, 2013

The truth about weekday swims..

swim report for january 14th, 11am, sunshine, alexis, lftc and some guy named dan that we collected from the deck: sunny, very clear skies, calm seas and super clear from the a to cove, maybe 8' around the 1/4, lot's of fishies, sea lions and harbor seals hanging out right inside.  okay, done with that, moving on:
Yesterday Cary had planned to NOT swim because Bill has the flu, I suggested, kindly and with love-as I always do on the weekends-that she come and swim anyway. She did and of course she totally rocked the swim. Afterwards she told me she wanted to retire next year and we would swim all the time, so yay!
When I got home I realized I should inform her (Dave used the word warn, silly boy) about the weekday swim protocol and since it was a recent topic here it is again: Everybody has to swim, all year long in all weather and most all conditions. You can be late or early or demand your schedule be accommodated,  you can be fast or slow, wetsuited or no pants, fins or barefoot, snorkel or not, those things matter not. You could also swim later with another group, just keep in mind that while this will be frowned on, it is still okay as long as you swim.  Of course days off are totally allowed, of course! We are not dictators, we are kind and loving souls but still, you will be bugged by someone. Even if you are down with the plague, someone is still likely to ask you if you could drag yourself out of bed since conditions are so good. Be prepared for motivators, aka guilt, coercion and these words:
Related Words browbeatbulldozebullycowhector,intimidateblackmailhigh-pressuremenaceshame,terrorizethreatendragbadgerharasshound:
So now you know that weekday swims have a different vibe that weekend swims. Weekdays are more like a swimming job, weekends are more vacation like.
Now, you all know that Cami is one of my very first partners along with Toni and Diana, we comprise the A team, I regularly employ all the above listed verbs to get her in the water, she too has done the same with me-it's kind of scary when you think about it. Cami swam all last winter in hard seas, cold and dark seas and even the grossest red tide evar! Why not this year? This brings me to the excuses that are all used up, off the table and unavailable to all: Puppies. Yard work or any kind of house work. Rashes. Stitches. New tattoos are not allowed during good conditions-check please. Non emergency dental or medical appointments mid day are discouraged. You're a healthy bunch with beautiful teeth, all of you. Cold temps. (puleeze) Rain. (again, puleeze) And now this one that I heard from my beloved Cami today; heart rate. In wanting to keep it up. The heart rate, unless stopped, is no longer a viable excuse.
Swimming is so awesome and so amazing that any swim under any circumstances is better than not swimming. Have you or anyone you know personally ever regretted it?
Swimming is truly a solitary sport, but swimming in the sea is special, highly adventurous with an element of danger and surprise thrown in, we need each other! I need all of you and will not swim without you.
Have a wonderful day!

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