Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Whales in the cove! And a little wow..

some kind of dark body part..

the white spots are in fact, fizzy spouts.

Incredible activity during this moment, my camera couldn't catch it properly but they are out there. 

Oh wow! How did this get here? I guess I took the shot, one of several, sent it to myself via email, uploaded it, made a hard copy, sent it back to my desktop, browsed and uploaded it again to this blog. How silly of me, sorry!
Doug and Mike

Swim report, Monday, January 29th, noon-just Ruth and LFTC and the whales! As I parked I saw a breach near the virtual 1/2, I watched the whale journey to the A before diving down, Doug and Mike swam right over him, they didn't see him though because he was probably too deep and viz was minimal. Ruth and I swam out in 57 degrees and a big swell but nothing breaking on us, we swam to the B along side some kayakers who were way more limited in travel options than we were, caves and boomers very dangerous, marine room whitewater mayhem, they paddled from A to B and back. It was tough to keep Ruth on task, she wanted to look around and lollygag, float around on her back, take in the day and daydream and I wanted to swim. Finally we landed and everyone on deck said we were cruised by a whale! We didn't see it! During this talk the whales came out to surprise everyone around. Playtime!  I have a new phone and didn't know how to take photos, I thought I took more but I think instead I called Manny from the club instead. (Sorry, Manny!)
So here you go, some pretty poor quality pics of the whales RUTH AND I SWAM WITH!
Lucky for us, Doug and Mike wanted to be within eyeshot, a little near full frontal.  A little abs and tallness, a little muscle, a little...
I gotta stop this now!
For those of you (especially CAMI) who need a little incentive, there you have it:.
Cami, I swear, if the decent swimmable temps, sunny skies and freaking whales can't lure you out, my next move will be kidnap)

1 comment:

  1. oh maaaaan! you two are truly lucky! so many spouts. i see at least 3!
