Monday, February 11, 2013

Cold Swell Sunday Swim

Nice gentle swells -- a swell swim it was!
Cold water and threatening waves couldn't keep us away!  Great swim today as many on Facebook debated the water temp -- was it 56? Felt like 54 -- Steve said it was 54, didn't he?  Ruth said, no way, had to be warmer -- she's really getting her no-pants-swimmin' on these days!  Seriously,  though 14 of us crazies were having a blast in the water... out to the A, then quickly to the B, then the 14 split up into the straight back inners and the 1/4 and inners...

So nice to see Carol and Bob back in the water too... Carol's arm is better but still painful, so she gets an extra award for making the long swim today!

The sun came out just for us!
We all made it back and some of us went to the dark side for a few moments of hot water soaking... others chatted on deck... Leonard, Diana, Mark, Jo, Carly, the MCs, LFTC, Carol, Bob, Steve, Ruth, Claudia and Lyndee!!! Whoohoo, what crue.

Thanks to you all for making my Sunday perfect... what would we do without our swims and swim-buddies?  It was a sweet and swell, Sunday swim.
Happy daze!!!

Another day in paradise...

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