Friday, February 8, 2013

Whitewater and bellybuttons

today was kinda fun
me and claudia splashed around in the strong strong surf at the Shores - shallow water,unruly and powerful waves small enough to dive into the break or the wash.
it was actually educational - 
humbling and regressive
like the child i never was - i grew up near the beach and swam in the Atlantic but hardly ever ventured out into surf.

drove up to the Cove afterwards and it had really died down - it was totally swimmable so go figure
but then it started raining and i wouldn't have wanted to risk the changeability
but doug's big warning yesterday turned out to be a BUM STEER
as the Cove was quiet yesterday afternoon, or so i heard.

hope Laura got outta her iron panties, seein as how she bailed.

a group of Seacamp youth were getting their money's worth at the Shores today, decked out in wetsuits but reduced to standing in the surf just holding bodyboards in front of them.  too strong and messy to bodyboard.  afterwards i overheard a girl sharing her bellybutton issues with her girlfriends - she doesn't like when people poke their fingers in hers.

nor would i.


here's to NO PANTS-NESS!!!!

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