Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Mighty C's and scones on the grass.

Color commentary for February 23rd swim and The Mighty C's 30th anniversary: First of all, this commentator didn't get the official Holy Roman Empire size group email inviting most everyone and their mother's for scones and booze in the jacuzzi and or hotel room the MC's booked for their special day which is okay, mostly because it turned out to be scones on the grass and warm water poured from buckets onto heads. It seems that the hotel was very busy so luxury would have to wait and I crashed the party anyway, as if they could ever evade me!  I don't think sooo.  So I managed to beg my way into a an anniversary scone which sent Bill into high alert, like Defcon 4 (above normal readiness) due to the limited number of scones, which were home made and delish in case you didn't get one. Just ask Richard, who totally scored on the scones before Defcon 4. Everyone who cruised up to the 'luxury' -aka- the buckets on the grass, wanted a scone, there were rumors on deck about the scones, people were asking for bits and pieces of scone, RUTH! was fainting on the grass for lack of a scone so Shayne broke his into parts and shared with her lest she pass out. He managed to do this while stripping and drying off his entire bod. That dude is talented. After I ate mine (thank god I did) I watched all this action for awhile while my mind was creating humorous and caustic commentary for later.  Cary wanted her hotel room NOW! She tried to get in 5 minutes early with no luck and now look, she was reduced to standing around in her wet Speedo on the damp grass and giving her scones away. Oh well, all mom's are accustomed to disappointment, we agreed that we have to tolerate quite a bit in life and in the name of love, for example: instead of swimming today, Sunday, I took Ali to the circus. Not even a very good circus. See? Suffering, thy name is Circus Vargas.  (I'm on the verge of committing a crime, if I go to prison, please bring me a scone!) We laughed and kidded around with Bill and the scones until the masses began arriving, literally closing in on the MC's and the scones. I had to take my leave since the booze was coming out and I was on my bike. As a party crasher, accepting the scone was more than enough.  All in all, the swim with a few of other non invitees, was stellar! Gorgeous seas, clear in most spots, 58 degrees, sun, flatness with a few tell tale rollers, beautiful faces of people I love, enough hugs and kisses to last at least 24 hours and as always, the most fun I can have with no pants. Outdoors.
I hope the Mighty C's used up their hotel room like rock stars and didn't check out until the clock was on the second and they have another anniversary ho down on the grass to which I will be invited and please for the love of Neptune, bring more scones!
Happy Anniversary to the Mightiest C's!
Everyone and their mother's love you!

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