Saturday, February 16, 2013

Dirty Diana and the crack of dawn thanks to OEX

pictures speak a thousand words so here you go:

close up of these bratty sea lions, look at him, mocking us!

just blocking the way, they do this often..

Cirque Du Soleil action!

We rock!

Look at that ocean behind us, so flat! I must tell you that our TFTC is so good, so pure and sweet that she actually donned her PFD (life jacket) before we launched! Isn't that so cute? It was bigger than her body, almost, we gave her a hard time about it.. what, are you gonna fall out of the kayak and not swim? She's so cutie!

Here is Diana posing like Magellan mapping the seas but really she's looking at a catamaran mast wondering why it was so big. And long. Big and long. Isn't it too big? Really you guys, look at how big and long it is! Sadly, we didn't get the pic of the actual mast.   
P.s. for Dirty Diana I'll just tell you that she kept seeing really long things, really big and long things, things that seemed sort of long and she kept wondering why things were so big. And long. It was like a theme. Crack of dawn is the cool name of the paddles.
If you have to rent a kayak for any reason, EVAR!, please see Mike, Chris, Nick and I think Brian at OEX Dive and Kayak, the best service, the coolest guys and seriously handsome. Why would you go anywhere else? In fact, even if you never plan to kayak in your life, go there to say hi and to gaze. 2243 Avenida La Playa.
They like the swimmers and we like them, trust me.

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