Friday, February 8, 2013

Happy birthday Stevie D. and just say no to shrinkage!

Swim report for Wednesday, Feb. 6th, Stevie D. and me and no one else because why? Why? The few previous days were beautiful, calm and clear , 57 degrees and while it took some negotiating, (begging, demanding) we managed to have several players but Wednesday just Steve and me and it was his birthday. Anyway, as you all know we have a nasty WNW swell that moved in Thursday, Wednesday had a little preview of this action which made me all weird and nervous and as soon as my feet touched the sand, the Laura waves showed. I   swear   to   you. Mike can verify and Steve too. Now I have swam with Steve many times, or near him as he wanders far and wide and abandons people regularly, but I haven't been in surf with him, I wasn't sure if he'd be solid-for me. He promised to have my back so rather than flee, I waited for the Laura waves to chill, that's right, I waited for the 'lull'. I'm generally agin this act but it was his birthday. (don't get any ideas that I will adopt this type of behavior for future homisurf, I won't) So out we go in fast moving water, strong current to the northwest moving us way outside, we had to swim a big arc back to the a, again to the b and back to the a. The surface was smooth but the current beneath was awesome to witness. 56 degrees, grey skies, very cool weather but I think I was breaking a sweat trying to pace Steve. He had his wetsuit on and is already fast. This was good so I could concentrate on my aerobic capacity or lack thereof and forget the god damn waves. Such a good birthday swim for Steve and me! Thanks, Steve, for spending part of your day with me! Man alive it was so cold afterwards, I was shivering while this couple was taking a census on the swim life. "Isn't it cold?" is my fave as I stand and shake and speak with numb lips. Yyeetthh iitt iizzth is my reply. Sometimes i touch these people. That usually ends our talk. 
Steve was worried about the cold so didn't swim in his birthday suit as he wanted to, we kidded around about the physical reactions-for the boys-and how someone might think the water was in the 30 degree range. Nobody wants that, right? Funny boys. 
So now we have ugly seas, some surf but who can tell with all the whitewater, whitecaps, wind, rain and hail, Stay dry Saturday, maybe play Sunday if you  feel like roughhousing and I know you all do.
I have so much more but later, there's always more, people! I write for you, for your pleasure, you all should reciprocate. Don't be selfish lovers!

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