Tuesday, February 12, 2013

So F*#@ing Stoked! and I hate running.

Swim report for Tuesday, Feb.12, RUTH!, Steph, Claudia, LFTC all met at     WTF 10am. What? When? Why? Who says? 10am, 10am, for some lunch thing for RUTH! and RUTH! says. OMG, whatever, okay. I need RUTH! all year, sometimes we have to give to get. As an aside, I ran this morning, I wore a jacket, full gloves and a base layer for my entire run, I was still cold. Also, my nose ran for the entire run. (I sell the sexy-I know!) My point: it was cold this morning at WTF 10am, light wind, very small surf if any and that's that. We march in and take such a long time, step forward, step back, yelping at the little lapping waves as if they held barbed wire until finally we make it out. It was brutal, my watch read 53.6, 54.6, 56.4, my teeth hurt! Doesn't swimming sound awesome! The water was very clear, we swam to the marine room where it was an aquarium with some murk close to the wall, we did some sightseeing over there and fought the current to go back. The hotel wouldn't budge today, every time I checked our progress, there it was, sitting there. It was a fab swim all in all and while I complain, (it's just my way, people, part of my charm)I wouldn't miss it for anything. I think of it like this: When I plan a run, I like the thought of running, I'm happy that I went running but I hate the running part. I'm miserable, I hate all the people on the roads, all the dogs, I hate Dave, I throw rocks at him and if it's hilly, I hope to be mowed down just so I can stop. I have the cardio ability, it's the gravity. 
When I swim, I sort of dislike the idea, especially if it's cold, dark, grey, windy, icy, rainy, surgy, surfy. (totally routine for our crew)
but when I'm done; oh man, I'm so happy! Or as Steph so eloquently said, "I'm so f**king stoked!" There are no problems in my life that I can't handle, it's like a fix and until my next swim, I'm totally fixed. Running cannot compare and if I add my beloved, can't live without them swim peeps? Forget it, running bites. Power panties be damned!
This more of an attitude report than a swim report so here's this:

It's about as Pollyanna as I'll ever be.



  1. WORDs: positively PEA-GREEN with envy... in a good way. Thanks for the report. Anyone want to know how things are in Balboa Park (not that I get out much) or theNAT, let me know... zzzzzz.
