Saturday, April 16, 2011

$2 on lftc to win show or place

so people i know and love were betting on me today-one bet that i would, one bet that i wouldn't and i showed up, not sure on who won but i know i did-swim report saturday, 10:30 plus, ralph, RUTH!, the mighty c's, maryanne (a new addition to our pod), lftc amid a cast of thousands due to some run event that had people running up torrey pines in their panties (i swear, i saw an albino dude running in his boy panties and nothing else but a race number-i'll never be the same) and clogging the streets with giant sag wagons not to mention the many swimmers and beach goers hanging around due to AWESOME conditions and sun. also, the swim club had an egg thing going on, my most prevalent recollection is candy and a table loaded with carbs which made me fatter just by proximity. Marta in her bunny ears, doug in his speedo and knit cap looked pretty cute too. anyway, the swim was excellent, 63 by my watch, pretty clear here and there, a little texture but nothing really, no current and fun! swam to the a, the b, the virtual 1/2 which was 'thataway' (we explained this to our beloved mighty c-ette who had forgotten), we parted with the mc's for timing issues and wala! another fantastic swim under our belts. hot damn! i'm so happy! thanks to my swim peeps for betting on me, to ralph for double dipping just to hang with us and to maryanne for breaking her dry spell with us and of course the sturdy and downright tenacious RUTH! who shall not be stopped! lucky me!
good luck to bill and kevin in the 1/2 sunday! you boys are athletic superstars!

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