Wednesday, April 6, 2011

tower power hour

swim report tuesday noon, sharkbait, lftc swam to the tower and back in smooth and silky seas, some good viz here and there but it had been so long since the top was clean that it was enough all by itself. 62 degrees, sun! not many swimmers out, we had a big playground kind of to ourselves. we ran into ralph who said that we were the only swimmers out while he was on deck. i knew we should have done the parade wave coming in! next time. marta had her new tunes connected directly to her brain so she was cruising, i had my magic fins so we kept a good pace. all in all a fab swim! i sure miss all the players, where are you guys? man, i dry out for two weeks and you all scatter like little fishies: florida, mexico, philly! this to the tune of 'lions and tigers and bears, oh my!' lftc-out

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