Thursday, April 28, 2011

Miraculous company

Okay so i go to the Cove at 4:00 for only my second swim all week. no one to swim with. boo hoo. i swim out to the 1/4, then the A, then back to the 1/4. i've forgotten whether i went back to the A and back again. I saw alot of fish - a pretty big one on the trip out to the quarter. it's surprisingly clear. kelpy. warm. sunny. wishing there were someone to share the afternoon with. i"m at the 1/4 and look down and there in front of me less than 2' from the surface, the turtle! oh my! what a magnificent and solitary creature. it just lumbered along with these powerful strokes. going going. never stopping. just beautiful. i followed it past the 1/4 - above it, next to it, behind it. just the two of us.

I feel so blessed. It seems like a dream now.


  1. What a magical swim! Wish I'd been there... Tomorrow Bill and I wish others could join us! I hope we find your turtle!

  2. I want to see that mythical turtle!!
