Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday swim

Surf's up at the shores today, at low tide. Lots of big rollers out there in the open water too. Just occasional 2-3 footers in the cove, though. I took one look at the shores and headed to the cove. I haven't swum enough recently to fight the waves. So I rode the current and the medium surge from the cove to the Marine Room, then walked back. It was nice to be back in the water, even though the clarity was minimal.

1 comment:

  1. I concur with Tony (nice surprise running into you today). I swam a little bit later but similar conditions. Beautifully sunny and clear, low tide, 2-3 ft waves with long breaks btw sets, warm, warm, warm water, low viz in most areas, lots o fish, a couple of bat rays. Rode the 'sleeper swells' over to MR and body surfed a while and swam back over the highs and lows to the A and in...bliss.
