Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Double-Dipping, But Wishing It Was Ice Cream

Why is it, sometimes, that song from Oklahoma! starts going through my head...I'm Just A Girl That Can't Say No. (ugh!) Especially lately. I've been doing A.M. and P.M. swims...not because of any one reason other than someone asked if I could. Uh, I dunno. I'll have to think about that...pffft...yeah! The Cove has just been lovely lately and I know rain is looming toward the end of this week, so gotta swim while the sun shines (or something like that).

Tuesday, LFTC and I had a most awesome RT swim to the Tower at the Shores. It was sunny, the water was warm (62F) and nearly glass. Just beautiful, though I think we swam through the sea lions lunch on the way back in...that was some pungent fish smell (whew)! At dusk, Kat and I did a buoy swim. The conditions, still good. LG's Tim and Joe told us that there was a shark patrolling the Cove just before we came in....great! Forgot to find out what kind!

Today, I'm having another double dose...we'll see what's in store with LFTC in the A.M. and a larger group in the evening.

The forecast is rain by Thursday night and into Friday and possibly Saturday. High surf advisory is also on the horizon (read: bodysurfing)'s all good.

1 comment:

  1. Well, as it turned out, it was just me and my iPod for the morning swim. It was trying to rain and got an occasional spritz, but the sun parted through the clouds and dolphin were really close to me just outside the Cove! I played with Dan's daughter while he did a Pier swim and then I went in for a shorty A-Q-A and and run up to the jacuzzi and then to try out my Bat impersonation on the inversion table LOL...missed everyone today
