Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy swim daze -- still saw some rays...

Quite a few swimmers out today: Ralph, LFTC, Ruth, Diana, Marta and Janie's crew were all there and went our ahead... we had to wait for Diana-darling as she carefully nursed her too-much-of-a-good-evening-self to the pond for a swim. Gorgeous day -- 62-63's, a bit swelly and bumpy, but stunningly beautiful. Not as clear as the PERFECT yesterday, though we did get to see tons of tiny fish and the sting ray parking lot off the Marine Room.  We went 1/4, Marine Room, searched for rays, Bill swam with a new friendly seal there near the shores, then we hiked out to the A, then Ruth chimes in and says B! We all headed happily there and then in... SOWEET!  Love you merpeeps -- where else to have such fun and spend time with friends, nature and the absolutely fabulous sea!


Surf got a bit exciting for the tourists... here's  boy being rescued...

Perfect day!

Hated to leave today!


  1. Oh, the feeling is very mutual! And I agree we are so spoiled ROTTEN -- and lovin' it! <3
