Friday, April 15, 2011


swim report friday 11:30, c rose, dianadarling, ralph who is so the man, sharkbait, lftc swam in pretty sweet seas, about 61-62 by my watch, some clarity here and there, some towing and dragging, some bobbing and floating, some picture taking, some serious goofing around, a little topless swimming, goggle exchanging and fun times all around. face it, people: any time one of us is dragging a lifeguard buoy or being dragged on it like a corpse, good times are bound to be had by all. add the topless dianadarling and it's a party. we bounced all over, the a, the 1/4, the caves, headed to the marine room, turned back to the a, played around while ralph swam out to sea oblivious to us girls and in. it was a blast and we're gonna do it again saturday which is the big easter throwdown for the swim club, meeting at 10:30 for the swim so join us! and why is no one posting? i know you have been swimming because i'm regularly tortured with calls about swims, stories about swims, sick double dipping (those hurt the most) and of course they are all the BEST SWIMS EVAR! so post! let's spread the torture all around and or spread the swim love all around! don't make me come over there..

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