Sunday, April 3, 2011

pungent commentary brewing

after almost two weeks of dry land and endless pleas from dave to 'please god go swim, just go, someone will be there, don't worry about the waves or the cold or the surge or zero viz, just GO!' i went! so happy i did, our marriage will last! no divorce from the 99 cent divorce store for this swim chick. last week, i think 3 out of 5 days with one day of thick and juicy red tide, the other two splendid in every way. i'm officially back from the dryland, a little frazzled from a hectic life but eager to swim and make 'pungent' remarks. i looked this word up and my favorite definition is this one: sharply painful, caustic. it's my way swim peeps, but on the inside, i'm gooey and in love with you all. i miss you all and will see you soon, like tomorrow! be well Mighty C-ette, safe travels!

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