Wednesday, October 12, 2011

big fat swim report

big fat swim report, wednesday, noon, claudia & lftc raced to the cove due to claudia's pressing thingy, something about a job, meeting, i don't know, some kind of thingy that she had to attend ON TIME! so i race down the 5 in my mini, music blaring to get my groove on, windows open for the bracing breeze (candy wrappers flying all over, dust drying out my nose and lips, bad plan, the windows open) and i make it! to no claudia and a deeply dirty cove, foam all over, the smell was overwhelming and the red tide was pretty thick. awww! claudia arrived and we raced, again, to the shores, looked around for gita who was looking for me, couldn't find her and finally got wet. oh the relief! pretty clean water, not much red but not really clear either, swam to the marine room and encountered murk so we headed to the pier. the swim was generally excellent, it felt so good to swim hard after a few days off. claudia is amazing and powerful, she really is part fish! the sun was hot and shining, the shores were crowded today, parking was tough. so there you have it, swim peeps! not a whole lot but you have read the skinny on the big fat swim for today. speaking of big and fat, while i was not swimming, i was trail running, allow me say the 3 words that sum up my entire running experience: industrial strength panties. it says so much, doesn't it? i know, i sell the sexy..

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