Sunday, October 2, 2011


La Jolla Shores Ewww.

red and juicy lame-o swim report: the group met on deck today and what a group! cami, marta, dianadarling, wendy, phoenix, lftc, and the mighty c's. too bad conditions SUCKED! the deep red and brown v-8 juice just sat there, all defiant and recalcitrant, mocking us all with it's sub zero viz and heady smell. long discussions ensue, wtf? why? when? holy sh*t, gross, how? and so on. only the mighty c's declared bravery thus maintaining their might. they tried to convince us lesser swimmers to join them using their star power then resorted to food references to make their point. something about wheat and chaff, i had to ask which one i happened to be. chaff it turns out, the riff raff, the cast offs, the wayward, the flotsam! okay, whatever, i'm the chaff and the chaff was flotsam-ing away to the other side with the rest of the riff raff. what a huge disappointment! red! worser red! way badderer red! foam. no smell though so we pulled our claudia out of the red (who knew?) and then proceeded to drag her right back in because we had to go in. i was so warm from all the talking and the being compared to bread crumbs that i needed to cool off. the water felt pretty good and if you kept your eyes closed, it was pretty normal. claudia and i got out after about 10 minutes, dd and marta stayed with it for awhile. they're in the emergency room now. oh wait, no, they're okay. they both texted me, whew! anyway, so sorry about our red tide situation and so sorry we missed our group swim. it was so good to see everyone though, i have missed you all so much! and in regards to the wheat and the chaff: i love the wheat, i need the wheat and without the wheat there is no chaff! see? i can think positive if i put my mind to it. it's generally not my thing though so get it now..
let's try again next weekend!

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