Monday, October 24, 2011

Smooth, clear and calm... and a little grey

This weekend brought really calm, smooth-as-silk, water that was amazingly clear.  The water would have looked clearer had there been a little more light -- as in, where did all this fog and greyness come from?  Saturday was a great swim with LFTC, Diana, Ralph, Alexis and the MCs blitzing to the Marine Room.  We lost a few as we swam around looking for leopard sharks...LFTC, Diana and Ralph headed back. They spotted a giant white sea bass on their way to the cove.  We saw a couple of leopard sharks  at the Marine Room and lots of yellow tail (a personal fav) and then blazed back to the cove.

Sunday, Leonard was the only other brave sole that was willing to walk 3 miles to park in La Jolla on the CAF day. We did see Doug when we got back to the cove, but most regulars were staying away from the busy cove.  Still, we had a great swim, even clearer than Saturday, and glassy as pool  with no one in it... and there weren't many swimmers out either. Swam to the Marine Room again and saw lots of leopards and yellow fin (BIG ones!).  Great fun! The water temp both days was from 62 to 65ish... nice!

Hope to see more of you next weekend!

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