Sunday, October 9, 2011

nice...leopard Sunday

Toni was tough!  Leonard, Tayla, and the C's were all in wetsuits, but not our Toni... you could see Toni was happy to be out in some water that wasn't ewwww, red! Great swim off the quarter again just to see if things were clearing any more (not much) then over to search for the BIG leopards with Leonard.  They did NOT disappoint... many, many of those cute spotted sharks were out again to greet us. We even petted them and they let us... I'm guessing they're finally getting used to those human things swimming around in their water!  Great day like Saturday only not as clear... Saturday was the clearest I've seen the shores in MANY moons... fun times, thanks for the great swim!

Post swim walking, south of Children's pool... gorgeous day!

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