Sunday, October 16, 2011

we want to swim with yous and we wanted to swim with thems guys (texting while driving)

swim report for our beloved and deeply missed cami and everyone else, (also deeply missed)sunday, noon: lftc, dd (the yous) the mc's and leonard (the thems guys) head out in mostly cloudy weather but not too cold and mostly cloudy seas but not too red and juicy. we were all so happy to be in regular zero viz murk and not the deep red v-8 juice of late. oh how the mighty have fallen! gone are the days of wishing for viz, sun, warm water and flatness. we have been reduced to being thrilled to swim in non infectious seas, period. we had a cool rythym, like floating on a pool floatie with lots of people playing and doing canon balls, up and down rolling and side to side rolling. it was awesome fun although we split up immediately with bill headed off into somewhere and dd following suit. leonard and i stuck together and cary was blazing to the marine room as planned. cary is so good! she's just good. we hung out with some leopards for a few minutes then head straight back where once again we split off. more rock and roll, 65 degrees, lots of kayaks, very few swimmers but some of us are way more hardcore than others. (not me, i just went because diana said we were going and she's a rarity, like the turtle) our hottie lifeguards teased us about their anti red tide dance which was going to be spectacular, they were busy guarding us so no dance, darn. we hung out in the jacuzzi, made alcohol related plans and said good bye, until we swim again! oh, for those of you who want to swim weekdays with bill at ohmygod 6am, give him a call. be sure to let me know how that goes.
miss all of yous that couldn't make it today, you are running out of excuses so you better get on it and get in.

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