Friday, October 14, 2011

Red, Red Go Away, Come Again...well not today

Friday murk report.  Still much red tide everywhere.  Spotty close to the caves and white house.  I swam with Jenny and Kara through it all.  Very thankful to have met them at the water's edge.  I wasn't looking forward to going it solo.  We swam a fast round trip to the Shores.  So weird swimming up to the beach and never even seeing the sandy bottom.  We swam blind until we were in calf-deep water.  Seriously?!  Then we just stood up.  The fog was rolling in so we decided not to hug the caves and got back into the swim lane instead.  I don't know why that was a good idea.  We should have hugged the caves.  The water was a little clearer over there. (See photo taken from the trail.) It was all good though.  Warm water, at 65-66.  Calm, like Lake La Jolla.

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