Monday, October 24, 2011

sik! or is it sick?

swim report monday noon, lftc, loli and paul (paul sometimes swims with us, no wetsuit, no goggles guy) swam out in a lonely sea, not one other swimmer out and TOO BAD! why? i'll tell you, little curious ones: grey skies, some drizzle, cool weather and the too bad? total viz, that's why, awesome viz, viz to the nth degree, viz up the butt, sik viz! ( i told bill that i had to work on my street cred lingo, just ignore me when i do this) flatness and utter calm, smooth as silk seas, a little cold at 61 degrees but we rocked the swim to the 1/2, which has bobbed to who knows where, it's so off course these days.  we saw every living thing under the sea today, you could count the rocks, see the kelp swaying, gaze at the little fishies out in force. when we came in we had some bratty sea lions surrounding us and still not a swimmer in sight. TOO BAD! unlike some of my beloved swim pals, i won't say it was the best swim EVAR but it was pretty darn SIK! going to do it again tuesday, i'll be sure to post some bragging, um, i mean reports for your enjoyment.

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