Sunday, October 2, 2011

Red, white and blues...

Or, you should have seen it yesterday!

So much for posting conditions...  Obviously, conditions don't really matter until you're there, in the thick of it, swimming through whatever you're faced with.... so, that's what we did today.  The mighty C's were out with no one... our A team went to the shores looking for better waters and there was none to be found.   I mumbled something to Laura about separating the wheat from the chaff... she called me wheat all day!  Ha...

As Bill and I mucked our way back from the Marine Room through the mire, we spotted Toni, braving the RED!  It wasn't an easy swim through the dark. Way to go -- all those braving the red sea!   We met new swim peeps today too. Daun and her daughter, Amber were there yesterday to see the gorgeous clearness that I wasn't misrepresenting AND she was back, braving the red tides... so we gave Daun our swim scoop and our blog address. Maybe we'll be seeing them in the days ahead.

Here's a pic of the red tide south of the cove... really red there too.  Bet there's some wild bioluminescence there tonight!

Seeing RED everywhere: red, white and blue day...


1 comment:

  1. hey wheat!...we actually did make it in after scooping up Claudia. The need to feel the 64' coolness overcame our distaste for brown. Diana and I swam over to the boat anchored and investigated a not seen before buoy before sludging it back to the showers...and then a quick drive to the AC to disinfect our gills in the chlorinated jacuzzi LOL.

    I would really like to do a night swim in this for the bioluminescense
