Wednesday, February 23, 2011

big chill alert!

i have been asked to remind the beloved big chiller's to be sure to send in your miles for the new chart that goes up this week, it's in color! also, we are completely allowed to use nicknames, for example: last week i was 'laura no pants price', ruth can be 'RUTH!' mighty c's could be 'mc1' and then 'mc2', you get the idea. one last thing before i collapse; it's best to list your name and miles in the subject line only, no email body which makes data collection of funny names and puny distance (for me anyway, one swimmer is pulling in over 150 miles so far) easier for our bc powers that be. i have kept track of miles for steve and cami, if you guys need them email me.
okay, my work here is done. :)

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