Saturday, February 5, 2011

Two dolphin, two jelly day!

Worth the risk? I think so. Ruth was brave to jump into the white water... Leonard also joined the brave and the few for a spectacular roller-of-a-day... 55 degree chill, nice sun and some small gentle waves in the cove... nothing we couldn't handle --  so nice to be back in our cove again.  Sorry we missed Diana, but was happy to see she hooked up with the next bus out (Janies crew). Hope to see her (and the rest of you) Sunday -- it's supposed to be warmer and EVEN more beautiful too.

We swam to the A, then B, then off chasing dolphins -- even kayakers snapped our photo (maybe they thought we were seals?)...  a couple of beautiful jellies drifted in our path while we searched over the rollers to find the 1/4 mile -- a tough one to spot. Bill says, "hey, we're running out of the things to swim to!"  Back to the A, then the chill set in and we decided to body surf back into the cove -- fun, fun, fun!

Thank you to the brave and the few. Great swim!  So happy for the weekend -- such a great break from sitting in front of a computer all week.  We missed those that couldn't be there -- there's always tomorrow.  Hope to see you on SUPER-SWIM-SUNDAY.

Checking out the cove, perfect day for a swim!
What waves?  SMOOTH...


  1. I second that motion!
    Thanks to the Mighty C's and Lickety-Split-Leonard for a terrific swim - full of marine life and lovely rolls and lovelier company.

  2. you guys are killing me! i missed it to pack rice and beans for the homeless? My question during the packing was how can the homeless even cook rice and beans? they both take forever and have need for seasonings. well? see, no answers.
    i did get to give a box of girl scout cookies to a hunky marine (he was READING TO THE HOMELESS!) and was hugged for the effort! still bummed i missed the swim!

  3. Don't be bummed. You did a mitzvah, LFTC.
