Thursday, February 3, 2011

having low standards rocks!

thursday noon, RUTH!, lftc, loli swam all alone, no other swimmers out, too bad because conditions were actually good based on my new and lowered standards in which i'm completely happy if the surf isn't homicidal and the sun shines even the tiniest bit. see what swimming can do for us? it can balance our expectations unless you happen to be RUTH! who isn't happy unless she sees whales inside the cove. we're working on it though. anyway, 57 degrees, some light wind chop, pretty good viz out near the a, maybe 10/15 feet, good current toward the cove with a few happy swells pushing us right onto the sand. course: a, 1/4, a and in with a lone swimmer sighting. we sat on the bench with binoculars for awhile, searching for mammals but saw only boats and birds. absolutely beautiful and warm weather, clear sun, happy day.
thanks to my sweet partners, again, for getting me there and swimming with me.
p.s.on the board-the big chill miles chart is in color (fancy) and my name appears as 'laura the one and only'! i love it as i am the original lftc. thanks, big chill grand poobah!

1 comment:

  1. Hey i'm hap-hap-happy in the water! Especially with my lftc in her Flapper Cap. Yes it was bracing and sunny yesterday. thanks, lovely L and L. the only whale in the cove is going to be me if i don't get Back to the Water Now...
