Wednesday, February 23, 2011

swim crazed and crazy

wednesday 11am, lftc, claudia, ralph swam in very cool seas, 57 inside/58 out with some surface bump and tide rollers, a couple looked body surfing capable-but NO THANKS! we swam against the current to the caves since viz was looking so good but it fizzled so off to the a we went. lot's of fishies, some really clear spots that made us stop to bob and look and finally to the a, which was so warm, i had to climb it a little. never did a big yellow buoy feel so good to this cold swimmer. claudia and i decided to swim in the jacuzzi, we raced to shore, ralph accompanied us since he's a gentleman then went back for more. claudia did decide that she needed to see some sea life so she rammed her face right into a moon jelly, i think the jelly was more shocked than she but she laughed it off like a trooper although i did hear about some tlc from our handsome guards, she was with them for a looong time and who can blame her? such a beautiful day in paradise, really! once again lucky to have wonderful hard core swim crazies lure me into the beauty of winter seas, thanks you guys!