Sunday, February 13, 2011

swam at the shores for al...

swim report sunday 12:30, cftc, leonard, ralph, claudia, al, RUTH!, lftc-we missed the mighty c's so much, they elected to swim early but it was shocking to not be with them on a weekend. Anyway, shores side for al, (it's okay al, just go with us here) at low tide in pretty flat seas, light wind chop and super clear, you could count shells on the sea floor. a hunting we will go-for leopards and we found some big ones at the marine room. we turned back to swim to the pier, i guess, it was supposed to be the mysterious blue bathrooms (i have never seen them, i think these folks are tricking me into distance) but we passed them and some of us kept going and going and going. finally al decided to head back and i offered, selflessly i might add, to accompany him while the rest moved on like machines. claudia came back with us too, probably to accompany me. i wasn't on my game today, i blame the mighty c's, they threw me off with their shocking news. (i totally forgive you guys) cami and leonard RULED the sea today and lead the swim, way to go you two! we had some lovely snacks ater the swim, cami's hi maintenance cookies and ralphs peanut butter pretzels, fruit and chocolate chip scones. all yummy. no champagne as it was too chilly, even in the sun we were cold. all in all a fantastic and fun swim with amazing swimmers whom i adore! i'll shower with any of you any time!
nothing too funny from me so i'll tell you this:
a rabbi, a blonde and a horse all walk into a bar.
the bartender say to them, 'what, is this some kind of a joke?'

1 comment:

  1. i want to add that some lady did offer to climb into ralphs wetsuit, or something like that, i wasn't clear but she liked him and his wetsuit. he declined...
