Monday, February 7, 2011

sunny skies and clear water... well...

ok, so the water was absolutely crystal clear to the bottom on the inside, then a little murk the farther we went, but not "bad" murk, just not clear, but Lots of curious and frolicksome sea lions, perhaps 7 swimming under us on the way out, ok, maybe 8. My heart hardly skips a beat now with those crazy hounds. Nice swim with LFTC, RUTHIE, CYA Later STEVE who was on fricking FIRE today and me. To the A, 1/4, A, 1/4 (how creative are we?) and back in. I made some sinus donations to Mother O, Ruth stayed just out of reach the whole way in, Steve was just gone, LFTC is tough as nails with her badass no wetsuit self. Specifically: no wind. no waves. no bump aside from some rollers directly from the WESt, 5-10 on the oustide. Strong(ish) NE current, or was that the wake of Steve? no, only worked in one direction. 55, but Im saying a toasty 57 at least. Mby 57.6.


  1. 5-10 VISIBILITY, not waves... to be sure.

  2. You are charitable, your Cami-ness, but I trailed everyone for the entire swim except for a minute or so coming in from the 1/4. You were amazing!
