Tuesday, August 23, 2011

California Whiteheads and LSD

Catchy eh? Sunday our pod of 10 with two sidelined (Cary and Canning Offspring) decided to wait it out in the temperate lagoons before embarking on a maiden voyage to the quarter. On deck were: LFTC (in whitecap), Phoenix (in whitecap), Dianadarling (in whitecap) ... see a pattern?... Leonard (in whitecap), Marta (in whitecap) Bill and CFTC in blue and green. .. and Amber in a severely shredded wetsuit... severe enough for me not to notice the color of her cap. She may be on to a new style but I'm not thinking so. Took off from take-off and rallied at the A in perfectly silky 68-69 degree overcast conditions to the 1/2 then the 'evil white house' cast its spell on me and Dianadarling where we lingered using all refined swim techniques to conquer her current and eventually, gasping, made it to the throngs of leopards waiting for us. WOW, leopards in the house! EVERYWHERE, bat rays, sting rays, shovel nose guitarfish, someone saw an angel shark or horn shark or something brilliant! Marta, Leonard and LFTC escorted me towards the tower where my duckies were playing with their grandpa on the beach while the rest of the pod returned to the Cove.
Monday LFTC and CFTC dipped into fabulously clear and choppy whitecapped waters from takeoff to A to right shoulders around all the pins, literally washed from the right pin to the 1/4 with no effort at all very very strong southbound current and clear-to-the-bottom then high tailed it on in from the quarter. Strange, mystical, overcast, long-slow-distance swim yesterday, still feeling all swimmy on the inside and eternally grateful for my swim family.

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