Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wednesday - Algae at the Marine Room

Wednesday late afternoon swim with the Heatland Gold swim team. Those middle schoolers made me feel like a turtle in a dolphin pod. My daughter dug her feet in and steadfastly refuted all adult and peer pressure to swim "in all that scary seaweed". Even Coach Kevin couldn't sway her. So we left her on behind on the benches. She is his new poster child for "Stubborn". Makes me so proud.
The REST of us had a great swim to the Marine room and back. It was high tide, so the seaweed wasn't an issue. Instead, the algae was downright disgusting! We noticed a little of it on the water surface at the half mile buoy, then swam into Algae Soup in front of the Marine Room! Retreat!!! 3/4 mile is just a warm up for those kids. They were playing around, doing all 4 strokes all the way back to the cove. From above, they must have looked like 20 clones of "Dori", the Ellen Degeneres character in "Finding Nemo".
Anyway, water temp was 68. Clarity was patchy 5-10 feet.

1 comment:

  1. oh yeah...Wed was UGLY. A cross btw pea soup and green tea frappachino, both of which would be more appealing than the water in the Cove. Thursday was the same. Great write up.
