Thursday, August 4, 2011

Beauty day

Thursday, RUTH! and Carol had a lovely swim in our private Cove. No one around. Sunny, blue skies. Viz wasn't bad, and it was warmer than yesterday. Or else I was braced for the worst. Some nice swells. Oh, yesterday on my swim I would swear I saw a bunch of tiny baby shark-shaped fishies way down below. That's the scientific name for them, by the way. I checked.

Then into the cave - pretty strong surge - pushing and pulling. I told the kayaker guide to get lost while we were in there and he complied. All done with the utmost courtesy of course. Carol got sucked through and I followed against my judgment because of the timing. Just at the turn through the rocks the surge reversed and I'm on my side trying to fight Mother O. Gave up but no problem because of short turnaround - and I was surging forward again - forward and to the left though. So I'm through but just can't seem to get out into that little cove bit. Very grateful for the high tide. Not a scrape.

Then home sweet home. A lone swimmer stopped me just outside the cave to ask where I got my cool orange dorsal-finned cap. A friend gave it to me!! Yesterday the kiddies were eyeing it longingly as I exited. I'm a fashion plate, at last.

Thanks to Carol for being the best swim buddy!

1 comment:

  1. is that the one that looks like Nemo? I had one once and loved it, but gave it to a kid eye-ing it with a 'look' LOL You've got style, you've got class, you've got... :o)
