Sunday, August 7, 2011

cove to pier and then some

swim report for saturday, the epic cove to pier and back for bill's birthday! the players: the mighty c's, dianadarling, phoenix and her hotness, carol, leonard, talya, the one and only barefoot, no pants swimmer, marta, RUTH! and lftc plus the lone kayak guy who was kind enough to come along in case one of us flailed but come on, this group does not flail. we had a bumpy launch with some forgotten stuff on deck, some broken goggles and whining about the bitter inside temp but we made it out and simply cruised. yours truly led this swim and i'll tell you why-i was chasing the kayak guy pretty hard (i was so going to be on his boat the instant i saw anything scary, i had to stay!) and i thought my beloved crew was right behind me, working it, heart pumping and lungs on fire right along with me, when the kayak guy turned to head back we both discovered that not only were YOU ALL not behind me but you had stopped to smell the flowers! or see the pretty boats or something, i was too far ahead to turn back and now i was alone. insert some scary jaws tune here. alone! after my yell to 'swim!' i decided that oh man, i'm alone at sea i better swim to that pier so off i went, to the pier where i waited, still alone at sea. i did eyeball the chain ladder but it was too cold under the pier and the chain was gross with slime. i bobbed. phoenix and talya exited at the pier and the rest of us took off. spectacular, epic swim for the birthday boy and the group. thanks to bill for planning it, encouraging everyone to attend and making it happen without a hitch. and thanks for the kayak guy! you are all amazing athletes and even more amazing friends. our picnic was great too!

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