Sunday, August 28, 2011

facebook quitter/downward dog in a thong and no sainthood for lftc

i looked into facebook, i really did but got stuck at the log in, besides, david has a facebook page, was horrified to see a picture of me in a two piece laying on the beach and never looked again so i'm going to use this blog as my only means of staying connected with you facebook frea..i mean facebook life is swimming anyway, i only swim, i love only the swimmers (aside from my tiny family), i talk only of swimming and non swimmers avoid me since my vocabulary is sprinkled with words like: viz, swell, upwellings, surge, murk, blooms, red and juicy, bouys, sharks and so on.  i recently informed dana and hove that i used to read, now i watch the web cams and stare at wavewatch all day. oh how my life has changed but anyway:

 i have one little story to tell you. recently, some boy swimmers that i'll not name (i decided to have the boys remain anonymous, not everyone loves my acerbic wit- and one time *** in his larger and saggy boy panties-my eyes still hurt from that one) have taken to lifting weights in the athletic club in only their speedos and nothing else, no shirt, shoes, not even a tea towel for god's sake. well, one time the hottest of the boys wore black ankle socks but they matched his thong so i'll cut him some slack. i have taken to walking into the club with my eyes down, no looking around in case the speedo boys are doing deadlifts or lord help me, any kind of yoga pose, say downward dog. don't get me wrong, i'm all about the naked bod, these boys are handsome, very fit and totally worthy of any kind of speedo, swimmers are the most naked people around and i myself avoid pants whenever possible but come on, in the gym? under flourescent lights? without any kind of shaving or waxing? puleeze. so i tell my beloved david this story who finds nothing wrong with it, after all, chicks love the package, right? um, no. he tells me that he had the same experience! however, he can't relate or understand why i was afraid to look around. when i questioned him further, district attorney style, he confessed that his experience involved a very young woman in a teeny tiny bikini stretching on a yoga mat right by the giant mirrors. it wasn't horrible, it was a beautiful sight and clearly she's a shy but intelligent girl, probably works with dolphins or whales and is pending sainthood after her stint in the peace corps. you guys know me, i'm sure you have heard the things that come out of my mouth, not shy or intelligent sounding and so far from sainthood that it's not even f**king funny. we can never go back to the athletic club together. he's totally cut off. but, alas, i will have to face the speedo boys again until someone speaks up. can i hand them a towel at least?


  1. Well, I guess it's better you're not posting on Facebook then... LOL. What a hoot! I do understand what you're saying... it's not like you're walking down Black's Beach or anything, right? (-;

    So really, no Facebook? It's just too much EXPOSURE? Sorry... more raucious laughter... I'm rolling on the floor right now! My swim-queen-mermaid-dear... AND I'm supposed to be packing.

    Today was a wonderful swim -- didn't see anything posted about that though... too much time at the gym, I'm thinking! More LOLs...

  2. LOL...hide your children! ban your husbands and lock up your pets! LOL The male ego continues to amaze should have heard them congratulating each other on their increasing...ummm, muscles and great form ha-ha-ha...they crack me up, but then a lot does these days :o)

  3. I have seen these guys too! But I remarked on the lack of attire and wondered aloud if it were a new trend for men. They said YES.

  4. yap, men in panties. I for one vote that we start a new ballot measure that unless you look like Hovic (and for godsakes even HE doesn't wear them) t no man shall don the panties.... there was a time, I hang my head in shame, that even my father squeezed his robust ass into one of those and strutted along the shore before walloping very walrus like into the Cove. oh father.
    Thanks for imagery LFTC, Im going to rinse with listerine and read a BOOK. :)
