Sunday, August 14, 2011

Saturday Swim

Conditions were very good, I'd say. Not awesome, because of the marine layer. Vizability was good inside the cove, worsened outside the cove until the .25. Then clear-ish to the bottom all the way to the Marine room, where it was very clear and teaming with leopards, rays, and (according to Cari) a skate! Saw many schools of fish along the way. TFTC, the Mighty C's, new guy Steve D, and retired lifeguard Carl swam to the marine room at a fast pace. But while TFTC was on shore depositing some trash the MCs started back and we never saw them again. What happened to ya'll? It felt very secure swimming with a former lifeguard. Carl connected with his old buddies on deck before we swam and I just knew they were keeping track of him, which meant they were keeping track of our whole pod, which is just fine by me.
LFTC admittedly flaked on us, we waited almost an hour for her winning smile and lilting voice to accompany us; but were waiting anyway, for Carl to park and then hobnob with the other guards. Come to find out, she swam earlier with DD. No harm, no foul; we all got our swim in.

1 comment:

  1. Great swim, Saturday! Mr. MC got cold and as we were lurking about chasing leopard sharks and fish friends at the Marine Room, having a great time, Bill said, I'm getting cold, let's go back. We said good-bye to Carl or Steve and headed back. Sorry we didn't get to see you off... it was a grey day and we needed to out to run some errands.

    Fun swim, nice water, lots of fish.
