Monday, August 29, 2011

everyone and their mother's

the fringe players, the posers, the fair water swimmers, the fraidy cats, the hard partying too hung over to swim swimmers are in the drink today and have found out ways to let me know, i think i saw sky writing earlier: BEST SWIM EVA*** but i came inside immediatley. i knew what what was coming. anyway, since i am not swimming today i have been thinking about our weekends that will be MC-less for a short while. I suggest that someone step up to fill in their mighty fins and be the force that pulls us together while they are away. off the top i suggest marta as she has everyone and their mother's email and phone info. (tis a good and organized thing marta:)) plus, she pays attention to detail. i'm more qualified as a coordinator or recruiter and cami's personal manager so i'm busy doing those things. any takers or ideas? i love swim weekends with you all, i live for them so we have to keep on going despite the mc's selfish desire for a vacation in italy.
okay, they totally deserve it, it will be the best vacation evar!
input please!

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